
شب يه ساعت بيشتر بيدار مي‌مونی. کارای عقب‌مونده رو باید انجام بدی. آسونترینش یکی یکی نگاه کردن عکس‌های این دو ساله و جا به جا کردنشونه. اما هیچ‌کدومشون این عکس از خونه نمی‌شه.

One more hour to stay awake, I use it to look at all the pictures we have taken in the past 2 years. We have had so many good days, we have been to many beautiful places, but none of them is as peaceful, as beautiful and as memorable as Home.
This is a picture of Eram Garden, in Shiraz, my hometown.

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