بعد از مدتها که سر کتاب All the Shah’s Men گیر کرده بودم و آخر هم هنوز تمومش نکردم، برای عید علیرضا برام چند تا کتاب خرید و کتاب جدید خوندم. اولش کتاب The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time و حالا هم دارم Kite Runner رو میخونم.
این لیست کنار وبلاگ رو همونطور که قبلا نوشته بودم با یه امکانی که allconsuming میداد عوض میکردم اما چند وقتی بود که serverشون خراب شده بود و دیگه کار نمیکرد اما یه مدت کوتاهیه دوباره راه افتاده ولی دیگه تو وبلاگها نمیگرده و فقط همون لیست کتاب رو درست میکنه. البته یه امکانات جدید اصافه کرده مثلا میتونی رو کتابها tag بذاری و بعدا لیستهای مختلفی از کتابهایی با tagهایی که میخوای درست کنی.
البته هنوز یه ایرادایی داره مثلا من اول کتاب Kite Runner رو اضافه کردم ولی بعد حذفش کردم که اول The Curious Incident … رو اضافه کنم که ترتیبش درست باشه. ولی نشد. یا مثلا میبینین که بالاش نوشته roya is consuming 0 things.
اینجا بیشتر میتونین راجع بهش بخونین. راجع به کتابهایی هم که دارم میخونم بعد مینویسم.
After a long time carrying All the Shah’s Men in my bag, and not finishing it, I started reading new books. Alireza had bought me The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time and Kite Runner for Norooz. I wanted to add them to the list of “currently reading” beside my blog, but I use allconsuming to keep my booklist, and allconsuming didn’t work for some time. But recently it is up again but with some changes. It used to look up the recently updated blogs for the names of books and gather the most favorite books. You could also sign up for an account to keep a list of the books you are reading, or you have already completed reading them. With the new changes there is no searching in the blogs, but you can tag your books and make as many book lists as you want based on the tags.
But still has some errors. I added Kite Runner and then I removed it and added The Curious Incident … to have them in the order I have read them. But it didn’t work. Also as you see, it says Roya is consuming 0 things, but maybe it is not a error and just something I should set somewhere that I’m not aware of.
اين سايت، راجع به تقلب: